EIU Moves
2016: The HERC wants to get you moving!
you make a New Year's Resolution to be more active or eat healthier? Hopefully
you read last week’s blog post and made a S.M.A.R.T. goal. This next post is
all about fitness and the EIU Moves program. Being physically active comes with
many benefits, such as lowering risk for chronic diseases (hypertension, type 2
diabetes, heart disease) and improving mental health. Therefore inside and out,
from your head to your toes, fitness is crucial to healthy living.
you are making your fitness goals, think about these recommendations and where
you are in your fitness journey. For
improvements in health, the following are recommended:
minutes of aerobic training, 5 days a week
training, 2 days a week
more flexibility training
A New EIU Moves
for a new program to jumpstart and motivate you to be more physical active? Check
out EIU Moves! This program includes a variety of short nutrition workshops and
group fitness classes on four Saturdays starting January 23rd. EIU Moves aims
to get students active through the many fitness resources on EIU’s campus. We
invite you to participate in these four, FREE sessions to move your way to a
healthier lifestyle. Participants can click the following link to register online: http://www.eiu.edu/herc/eiumoves.php
When: January 23, 2016: Nutrition 101
January 30, 2016: Rethink Your Drink and
February 6, 2016: Pre and Post Workout
February 13, 2016: Lean Mean Protein
Each session will take place from 10:00am-11:30am
Where: Room 2710 (Student Recreation Center
fitness classes will include: HITT Bootcamp, Yoga, Cardio Strength Fusion, and
a BRAND NEW class, Barre! Barre incorporates a ballet barre for flexibility
training and toning all over.

Dorm Room
make it on Saturday? This is still a
great time to make a healthy change. Working out on your own and in a small
space can be challenging. It can be easier to make excuses to not be active.
You might feel like you don’t have the space, time, equipment, or moves. The
trick is to stay creative. Pinterest and YouTube are littered with new work out
ideas and challenges. You can filter your workouts for your specific need and
level. Videos make it easier to follow activities and they can be at a variety
of lengths. Try this workout formula for a full body workout! Pick the amount
of weight and repetitions that works for you.
Primary Movement Patterns for Full Body Strength
The Student
Recreation Center:
forget about the Student Recreation Center (SRC)! It’s close and convenient.
The center offers free group fitness classes and intramural sports. Fitness
classes are great, especially if you struggle to make your own routine or need
a creative break. Intramural sports will bring out your social and competitive
side making you forget you are working out! The SRC also offers a variety of
equipment in the cardio room and weight lifting area. Invite a friend to meet
you there today!
more information or any questions, please contact the HERC at (217) 581-7786 or by
email at herc@eiu.edu.